Privacy Policy

With this privacy policy, we, PlanHorizonX AG, based in Zurich (Switzerland), describe how we process your personal data when you use our website, purchase our products, obtain our services, are otherwise in contact with us or communicate with us.

This privacy policy is intended for customers, suppliers, applicants, employees and website visitors of PlanHorizonX AG.

If you transmit or disclose data about other persons, such as employees, work colleagues, etc., we assume that you are authorised to do so, that this data is correct and that we may process it as described here. By transmitting the data via third parties, you confirm this. Please also ensure that these third parties have been informed of this data protection declaration.

The protection of your privacy is important to us. It goes without saying that we only process your data as permitted by Swiss data protection law.

1. Who is responsible for processing your personal data?

PlanHorizonX AG is responsible for the data processing described in this privacy policy, unless otherwise communicated in individual cases.

If you have any questions about our handling of personal data or other data protection concerns, you can contact us at the following address:

PlanHorizonX AG
Gotthardstrasse 55
8002 Zürich

2. What personal data do we process and for what purpose?

2.1. Website

When you visit our website, we process the associated access data (website visited, time of access, source/reference from which you accessed the page, browser used, operating system used, IP address used and other data) in order to enable use of the website (connection establishment), to ensure system security and stability, to optimise the Internet offering and for internal statistical purposes.

2.2. Applicants

If you apply for a job at PlanHorizonX AG, we will process the data you provide in your application dossier, the data you disclose during job interviews and the data obtained during reference interviews with persons you have specified in order to evaluate your suitability for employment. In the event of employment, this data will be transferred to the personnel dossier. In the event of a rejection, the data will be deleted after a reasonable period (without your objection).

2.3 Personnel Administration

If you are employed by us, we process the data necessary for the fulfilment of the employment relationship (e.g. regarding salary and pensions, insurance, time recording, communication, marital status, children, etc.).

2.4. Pre-Sales and Sales

If you contact us and we have the impression that you are interested in our services or we contact you as part of (pre-) sales activities, we process your contact details, area of activity and any correspondence in order to build up our customer base and to maintain (pre-) sales contacts.

2.5. Order Process and After Sales

If you are a customer of ours, we process the contact details of the client and the invoicing party in order to handle the order, invoicing process and after sales process including project management activities and product support.

In after sales processes the contact details (name and e-mail and other data) in order to handle support requests and projects efficiently and to designate responsibilities and accountabilities.

2.6. Newsletter and Marketing

PlanHorizonX AG would like to send you information about our products and services that we think you might like, as well as those of our partner companies.

If you have agreed to receive marketing, you can always opt out at a later date.

You have the right to stop PlanHorizonX AG from contacting you for marketing purposes at any time.

If you no longer wish to be contacted for marketing purposes, please send an email to

2.7. Other Purposes

We may also process the above-mentioned data to comply with legal obligations and official orders, including communication with authorities and courts and the enforcement of and defence against legal claims.

3. To whom do we disclose your personal data?

As part of our business activities and for the purposes set out in section 2, we also disclose your personal data to third parties where permitted and where we deem it appropriate, either because they process it for us or because they wish to use it for their own purposes. In addition to the parties already mentioned in section 2, this includes the following third parties in particular (all collectively referred to as “recipients”):

  • Service providers (e.g. banks, insurance companies, credit rating agencies), including order processors (e.g. IT providers)
  • Customers, dealers, suppliers, subcontractors, debt collection companies, manufacturers, freight forwarders and other business partners,
  • Certain data is also published (e.g. on our website, on our social media pages, in newspapers or sometimes also in offers) and is therefore accessible to everyone; we also provide reference information if the employee concerned has authorised this in writing to us,
  • authorities or other third parties if we are legally obliged to do so or if it is necessary to protect our interests, e.g. to combat abuse or safeguard rights, as well as other parties in potential or actual legal proceedings.
  • We may also share personal data with other companies belonging to our group of companies where this is necessary or appropriate to achieve the purposes described here.

Otherwise, we only disclose personal data to third parties if this is necessary to achieve the purposes described in this privacy policy or for our business activities, if this is provided for by law or in an order, if this is necessary for the enforcement of our legal claims or if you have given your consent. You can obtain further information about the disclosure of personal data from the contact point named in section 1.

4. Will your personal data be transferred abroad?

The recipients are generally in Switzerland. In certain cases, however, we may also disclose personal data to IT service providers and other recipients located abroad (namely in EU countries). If we transfer data to a country without adequate statutory data protection, we ensure an adequate level of protection as provided for by law by using appropriate contracts (in particular on the basis of the so-called standard contractual clauses) or other measures provided for by law or rely on the statutory exceptions, such as your consent, the conclusion or performance of a contract or the establishment, exercise or enforcement of legal claims. You can obtain further information about the countries concerned and the measures implemented from the contact point mentioned under point 1.

5. What rights do you have?

Persons about whom we process data have the right to request information about the data processed about them as well as its correction or deletion.

If our processing is based on consent, data subjects have the right to withdraw this consent at any time with effect for the future.

To exercise such rights, data subjects can contact us at the address mentioned in section 1 above. We will process these requests in accordance with the Swiss Data Protection Act and may also reject them or only fulfil them to a limited extent in accordance with the statutory provisions.

6. What types of cookies do we use?

We use cookies on our website. These are small text files that are stored on your end device. For further technical information about cookies, visit

We use such cookies to ensure the proper functioning of the website and, in some cases, to monitor the use of our website and determine your preferences (e.g. your language preference).

Most browsers are pre-set to automatically accept cookies. You can disable them by deactivating cookies in your browser settings.

7. Can this privacy policy be amended?

It may be necessary to amend this privacy policy from time to time, for example if the law or the way in which we process personal data changes. In this case, we will inform you of the change in a suitable form (e.g. by posting it on our website or sending you an email) and the new version will become binding when it is published on our website.

Version 2024-01.